Rabu, 16 Maret 2011



1. JUDUL : Penjumlahan Vektor

4. WAKTU : 2 X 45 ‘
5. Standar Kompetensi : 1. Menerapkan konsep besaran fisika dan
6. Kompetensi Dasar : 1.2 Melakukan penjumlahan vektor
a. Baca LKS secara cermat sebelum anda mengerjakan tugas
b. Baca Literatur lain untuk menambah pemahaman anda
c. Kerjakan setiap langkah, sesuai dengan tugas
d. Kumpulkan kepada guru sesuai jadwal yang telah disepakati antara guru dan siswa
e. Konsultasikan dengan guru jika mendapat kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas
8. Kompetensi Dasar yang akan dicapai :
Siswa dapat :
Melukiskan penjumlahan dua vektor
Menentukan Resultan sebagai hasil dari penjumlahan dua vekor secara grafis dan
Menentukan besarnya arah Resultan
Menentukan selisih vektor
9. Informasi:
Buka Search engine atau internet explorer, silahkan kunjungi web site :
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/vect.html .
9. Tempat : di ruang lab. Komputer, warnet
10. Alat dan Bahan :
- komputer/laptop
- koneksi internet
- buku tulis dan pensil
11. Langkah Kerja:
-Aktifkan komputer
-Aktifkan kkoneksi dengan Internet
-Aktifkan situs:

1. Buatlah gambar secara manual susunan tata surya, disertai dengan print out hasil akses internet anda!
2. Bagaimanakah cara menjumlahkan dua buah vektor, disertai print out artikel tentang perkembangan bumi!
3. Pada hal hal apa saja pengetahuan mu tentang vektor bisa diterapkan pada kehidupan sehari-hari?

-Penilaian kognitif : tes tertulis
-Penilaian afektif : pengamatan individu dalam kelompok
-Penilaian psikomotorik : pengamatan individu dalam kelompok
13. Tindak lanjut:
Mempresentasikan hasil dalam diskusi kelas, dengan menggunakan fasilitas OHP, Komputer, LCD/Infocus.

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

worksheet meansurement


A. Title : measurement of physical quantities (mass, length and time)
B. Experiment objective :
Student able to :
1. Preparing instrument and make right measurement
2. Describing how to use measurement instrument such as cross-beam balance,
spring balance, venier caliper, micrometer screw gauge and stop watch
3. Reading and writing value of measurement instrument use rules of
significant number
C. Procedure experiment
1. Measurement of length
a. Instrument and materials :
1. Ruler
2. Vernier caliper
3. Micrometer screw gauge
4. Stem of wood
5. Glass (cylinder shape)
6. Coin
b. Activity steps:
1. Prepare instrument and material that are needed in measurement of length
2. Measure length of wooden stem, coin thickness , diameter of coin,
internal diameter of glass , external diameter of glass and depth of
glass by using instrument that is prepare by you.
3. Do measurement until 5 times
4. Write the result in table.
2. Measurement of mass
a. Instrument and materials :
1. Cross-beam balances
2. Marbles

b. Activity steps :
1. Prepare instrument and material that are needed in measurement of mass
2. Measure mass of marbles by using instrument that is prepared by you.
3. Do measurement until 5 times
4. Write the result in table.
3. Measurement of time
1. Instrument and material :
1. Measuring cylinder
2. Water
3. Coin
4. Stop watch
2. Activity steps :
1. Prepare instrument and material that are needed in measurement of time
2. Measure time of coin that is needed to drown until the bottom of
glass by using instrument that is prepared by you.
3. Do measurement until 5 times
4. Write the result in table.
D. Question and Assignment
1. Determine length of wooden stem, coin thickness, and internal diameter of
glass, external diameter of glass and depth of glass including its uncertainty
2. Determine mass of marbles including its uncertainty value!
3. Determine time of coin that is needed to drown until the bottom of glass
including its uncertainty value!
4. Find the volume of wooden stem, volume of glass, and the area of coin surface
5. If the volume of marble is 5 cm3 find the density of marble according to
significant number rules!
6. If the high of water surface in glass is 15 cm, find the speed value of coin
when it drowns!
7. What conclusion you can obtain from this activity?